
Saturday, December 11, 2021

Christmas 2021

We had a lot of fun making Reindeer Cookies and Christmas decorations this week.

We used arrowroot biscuits, nutella, M&Ms and pretzels to make our delicious reindeer cookies. It was a lovely treat!

Our Christmas decorations had a 'Xmas Tree' theme. We made a finger print xmas tree card, a glittery xmas tree with a candy cane and then a xmas tree ornament for our trees. What a great way to end the year.

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Water - An Amazing Substance

We are using water to help us understand different scientific concepts.

Two weeks ago on Friday we did science the first experiment what we did was we splashed water on the court and we would see how long it would take to evaporate. then we put some water in a plastic cup and put a cut ice cream lid on it. you will never guess what when we held it there and we let go the lid stayed on I was amazed. then we got two cups one with cold water one with warm water and a plastic lid in the middle the we slid it out to see witch kind of water was heavier.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Science - Simple Circuits

We are using water to help us understand different scientific concepts.

Last week we made simple circuits we used L.E.D lights batteries, wires and play dough. first we got the longest side of the L.E.D in the play dough that had the red wire from the battery pack in it. Then we watched it light up. it was hard but we did it in the end

Monday, December 6, 2021

Narrative Writing - The day the sun disappeared

 WALT write a creative narrative story!

Once upon a time there was a person called Jimmy with a phoenix named Flame they were strolling through the desert and then suddenly the sky went dark Jimmy fell face first into the sand he gritted his teeth and looked up there stood a dark figure with glowing red eyes and no mouth his head was covered by a hood. what Jimmy shouted with shock. Muahahaha the figure screeched now that that blasted sun is gone I can finally take over the world. Who are you Jimmy squeaked? I am the moon master he replied  now that everyone is in darkness I have control. For centuries I have waited and planned but I decided to make that sun disappear.  Flame we have to light the sun in one swift motion he jumped on the back of his phoenix and away they went they dug and giant hole and brainstormed then Jimmy said why didn’t I think of this before you are a magical creature you can fly to the sun and light it he rummaged in his bag and pulled a convenient space suit from it here's something I prepared earlier. Moments later they were soaring up and up until there was no gravity. I think that is it that humongous black rock they circled it a couple of times and then roar a jet of flames burst from flames beak. They quickly dashed away back to earth. There was the moon master screaming noooooo how and then he crumpled ford collapsing in a pile of ash and they all lived happily ever after. 

The end

Monday, November 8, 2021

Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori

  1. WALT read, write and say māori words and sentences.
  2.  One of the things that we did with Whaea Seroya was Te Reo learning. We did a kupu o te ra which is a word of the day. Kupu o te ra taught me a lot of maori words. These are some of them: 1. Arai mata-face mask 2. Papa takaro-playground 3. Peke kura-schoolbag 4. Kuaha-door and 5. Poro-ball. We played a game called whare whare kemu. Whare whare kemu is basically bingo we played it to learn the names of food in Maori. eg 1. Remana-lemon 2. Kapu-cup 3. Aparo-apple 4. Panana-banana. In my  hua rakau pukapuka I created a character which was a lemon man AKA Lenny. On my second page I had a Ko wai ahau, Ko remana ahau with a picture of a black board saying Lenny the lemon. On my 3rd and 4th page I had a No wai au, no raku au, hen a tree with lots of lemons on it. My wheku mask is blue and black. Its eyes look like teardrops. We played whare whare kemu. Sadly I never won, usually I was one off!!! But though I never won I still enjoyed it!

Friday, September 24, 2021

Bugbix for Breakfast


WALT identify persuasive language features.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Cats who needs them

WALT identify persuasive language features.


my persuasive writing plan

WALT plan our persuasive writing on a JAM board


Thursday, September 9, 2021

The hut

 On fathers day me and dad started  a hut in the tree, we went over to the cow shed we levered out a giant post once we got it on we got three bits of timber we got to the tree and screwed a bit of timber in the tree. Then we dug a hole and put the post in  and then we put a piece of wood on a post that was too short . after that we put wood on every side so then we had the main beams


Yesterday Jackson got the Kawasaki motorbike out. We both had a go around the lawn. Then we went out into a small paddock. After I decided  to get my yellow Suzuki motorbike out, we had a hard time getting it started. But when we did I was off!  I went all around the paddock. Soon after we had to put them away. But when we got

back from town I zoomed down to a big bowl like paddock. When I was coming back up the bike fell over and I got burned!  I went to the house to put some jeans on. Then we went out the back still on the motorbikes!  When we got home my arms were really sore.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Cork boats

 On Friday we made cork boats. It was made out of 3 corks and 3 leaves, to keep it all together we used hot glue. We did a few trail runs. I made 3 boats when I glued the bottle caps it turned hot. The one that I used in a race was made out of 4 corks, a kebab stick and a piece of  calf meal sack. I won 2 races, Jackson won 1. We did it in a trough in the horse's paddock. When I was coming up to the house I was humming with glee.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Subtraction Strategies

 WALT solve subtraction equations using different strategies.

At first I found rounding and compensating hard. But after some practice I found It easy.

Monday, August 9, 2021

The Olympic Games

 We are learning about the Olympic Games. WALT skim and scan information to answer questions about the Olympics.

The Olympic games took place over two thousand seven hundred years ago in Olympia in ancient Greece. the Greeks took part in the Olympics to celebrate the Greek gods Zeus and Hera. In the ancient Olympics only men and boys were aloud to compete. the Olympics take place every four years. If an athlete 2nd they are awarded a silver medal. The Olympic torch is lit to let people know about the games. the Olympics torch h will travel around the country that the games will be held. the symbol of the Olympics are 5 interlinking rings. the 5 rings represent the 5 continents. the Paralympic games take part after the Olympic games.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Our Place, Our Stories

We have been learning about the taonga in our school and community. We have also been learning our pepeha.

We learnt that a pepeha is a way to introduce ourselves. We have been learning our pepeha in class and are have said our pepeha in front of the class.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Term 2 Legends Assembly

 We are learning to use descriptive language in our writing.

Rahi and the Patupaiare

 WALT explore the legend behind the game kī-o-rahi.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

3-digit Addition Strategies

WALT solve addition equations using a place value strategies

WALT solve addition equations using a place value strategy.

I found making the screencastify video challenging but I go through.
I think I solved the problems pretty well. 
WALT solve addition equations using a place value strategy.

Friday, June 11, 2021

3-digit Addition Strategies

 WALT solve addition equations using a place value strategy.

 for 4th s I know  to half  a  half. I need to work on  the rounding and compensating. I enjoyed making the maths videos.  

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Final Draft - My Mum

WALT to write a description of our mum using precise words to create an image in our readers minds.

My mum Julianne

My mum has mahogany, brown, long, twisty hair down to about her shoulders. Her favourite colour is blue. She has sparkly sky-blue eyes, she is tall. She likes to wear a purple and black T-shirt and black track pants and jet black sunglasses. Mum loves reading e-books at night, likes watching country calendar and absolutely loves coffee. She has affection for our black and white cows and pats them all the time. She reads to me every night and always gives me a big hug in the morning. Mum loves our snowy white dog case too.

I love reading with mum. We always feed the hungry calves together. Sometimes we watch movies on Netflix. She always  makes me yummy lunch. I’m just saying I love my mum so much, she makes me feel so happy. I think she is the best mum ever!!! 

Friday, May 28, 2021

Ngāti Kurī Proud by Tim Tipene

WALT explore the various stories about why the iwi is named Ngāti Kurī .

While we were reading Ngāti Kurī Proud we learned what mana means it means to be proud and to have respect and to have pride. pa is a village. tutted means to making a noise in disagreement. Mokopuna is gran-child. Most importantly the 5 tribes of Muriwhena are Ngāti Kurī, te Aupouri, Ngāti kahu, ngaita koto and te rarawa

First Draft Mahuika show


 We are learning to re-tell a story in our own words.

Once upon a time kahu was chasing sissy and trying to get her to do her jobs. Nan said stop doing that and come help me with this job. Nan kahu said why dose sissy always run away when its time to do jobs? well we all do our parts to help, I guess said kahu. Then sissy whizzed past and Nan caught sissy and said you to stay here. Out of the corner of there eyes the saw a kete and when they opened it Nan tuned to coal. hello said Potiki I am the last flaming finger nail of mahuika.

Then he realised what he had done to Nan. He said oh no I will have to go to the underground to get my mum to take the curse off of her. when they got  close pukeko saw them.

  • Next steps

    •  Re-craft - how can you improve your writing?
      • Quality vocabulary
      • Elaboration
    • Check punctuation and any spelling errors

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Descriptive writing

 WALT describe nouns using adjectives . 

we are learning to write using nouns and adjectives. both on our devises and learning books.Aswell   

Sunday, May 16, 2021


We have ANZAC Day to honour the soldiers that fought for us. we remember that they risked their lives for us. On ANZAC Day we go to dawn parades at memorials to commemorate the soldiers . We wear poppies because they were the first flowers to grow on the battle fields after the war. We also wear our ancestors medals, sing and say prayers.



Thursday, April 15, 2021


we are learning to (WALT) ask a question for data collection, create a survey to carry out a simple investigation, make a tally chart and create a bar graph.

we learned to create and understand tally charts. we know to make 4 marks then cross the lines (horizontal or diagonal) to make the 5th mark. we have to ask a question to find out information (data). we show the data on a graph. we have been creating bar graphs.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Town pools

 Town pools 


On Thursday the seniors went  to the town pools. When we got there we put our bags down and waited for instructions. When we could get into the pool we raced down and started our day. Me and Jackson R had all sorts of races freestyle, backstroke and doggy paddle. When we got out we had a sausage and then sadly our day had come to an end. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021


We are learning to (WALT) identify words or phrases that may be unfamiliar and discuss their meaning.

I have been learning about all the parts of a Weta which is an insect.

I also learned that Weta have ears on their legs! Which I imagine is better than having legs on your ears!!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

America's Cup A- Z and Dear Future Me

We have been learning about the America's Cup Yacht Race.
WALT set goals for our future self.

Peter Burling was the youngest helmsman NZ has ever had. He set a goal when he was 11 to race in the America's Cup when he grew up. I am setting myself a goal for 'My Future Self'.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Great Reading Adventure

We are learning to write a moment in time about our class assembly, 'The Great Reading Adventure'.

Finally the moment has come for our great assembly! I felt anxious and epic to be the main character. My first scene was Duffy, Scruffy and friends. I thought we were doing an epic job. Now gotta keep reading started playing and it was the time for the others to come in. The second scene was the Wonky Donkey.  I asked Scruffy what do you call a donkey with three legs? Then I said a wonky donkey. Everyone laughed. I sit down and paused, 'Wait' I thought to myself.